Entrepreneurship is a Spiritual Practice, Here's Why
I know this may sound foreign to some, but it’s true. Entrepreneurship is indeed a spiritual practice. You know why? Because each one of us have a gift, a God-given gift. I even wrote about it one of my blogs “They Pay You $17/hr to Distract You From Your Gift.” If you look at the most successful entrepreneurs, and the lifestyle they are living, it shows they are living a fruitful life, that’s because they believed in the gift God gave them. When people don’t use their gift, and allow the devil to distract and destroy them with meaningless jobs and self-doubt, they aren’t living fruitful lives, craving to have a seat at the table while entrepreneurs are building their own.
You know how when people get in accidents and they say they saw their lives flashing before them? Everyday that I get up, and thank God, I see my dream flashing before me and it’s filled with nothing but greatness and I work EVERYDAY to manifest that greatness. We all want more in life, matter of fact, we DESERVE more! We deserve to be able to take vacations when we want, we deserve to see the beautiful countries across the world, we deserve to be able to create generational wealth and other things, but we can’t do that if we are not using our gift.
As long as you are working in your purpose, using your gift, anything you ask, God will do for you, but you must believe in Him! Anything you ask that is according to his agenda, it will be given unto you, for He knows the plans He has for you, not the plans your manager has for you.
There is greatness within you and you have the power to manifest the greatness!
You have to believe in the spiritual greatness within you and already see yourself living the life that you desire. If you are a Christian and believe in Heaven, then believe in the fact that there is Heaven on Earth, and the only way through those gates on Earth, is by entrepreneurship. There is so much more to life on the other side of those gates than that we’ve been taught through the years.
Don’t worry about competition, what God has for you, no one can take that from you, you just have to trust the process and believe in Him. A persons gift will make room for them, not their talents. Their gift is their annointing.
You ever looked around in your church and noticed some people who were struggling, yet they were still paying their tithes, still praying, and still in the struggle? That’s because faith without works is dead! Faith in God, but no faith in your gift will have you struggling. Some people pray “God please do this for me, God please let me get through the week” but not realizing all the answers to their prayers is in their gift that God already gave them, they’re just not using it.
I have met many entrepreneurs who have said one of the greatest steps they took to become successful was fast. Fasting is what you do to make a sacrifice and it gives you clarity. It gives you tunnel vision to focus on what’s more important. You become more grateful of things. It takes discipline and self control. You know my motto is “secure yourself first, then secure the bag” well fasting is about securing yourself. You build better habits and become more patient. When you show God that you can make a sacrifice, he will give you an abundant life.
When you fast and pray, there is something about the physical act of obedience that brings a spiritual release of favor and blessings. There’s more that I would like to discuss about fasting that would be too much for this blog but I will definitely write one about it in the future.
With that being said, time is your best investment in your dream. If you choose to waste it on meaningless things with meaningless people at meaningless and unfulfilling jobs, then you deserve to live a meaningless and unfulfilling life. You can choose between what you are doing now and what you want to do and MANIFEST that!!
If you chose your dream, your dream will chose you. If you want to chose your dream, build your business and grow, then I encourage you to attend the Millionaire Mastermind Entrepreneur Summit. The CEO Dr. Velma Trayham is a well endowed Christian Entrepreneur who believes that we as Christians can use our gift to end poverty through entrepreneurship.
I’d like to add in this quote from Harriet Tubman because I told Velma that she is the modern day Harriet Tubman, and the quote is “I freed a thousand slaves. I could have freed a thousand more if only they knew they were slaves” and to that I say, if you are not an entrepreneur, you are a slave to society. The “American Dream” is not the freedom that God created you for, you can be freed from slavery by using your gift. Together, let’s end slavery trough entrepreneurship.
I look forward to seeing you next Monday at the Millionaire Mastermind Entrepreneurship Summit.
I leave you with this concept, “being an entrepreneur is not just about making a living, it’s also about the quality of how we’re living” and I want to live an abundant life, so should you.